www.escuchamivoz.org Educamos, inspiramos e indignamos con imágenes, diseño, carteles y cultura | We educate, inspire and outrage with images, design, posters and culture
In the beginning of 2020 Australia was hit by a series of massive bushfires that destroyed 11 million hectares of bush, forest and parks. Many people and animals were killed by this tragic natural disaster so I felt as a graphic designer it was my responsibility to create a poster to help in some small way. The concept is based on combining a flame and the iconic australian kangaroo by using negative space.
"Symphony of Nature: Forest"
In this series, each ecosystem and its biodiversity is represented as a great continuous symphony in the form of a turntable, in which each living being has its fundamental role as part of it. At the center of this great concert, there is the human being as an spectator and being part of this fascinating, constant and changing event.
"Global War(n)ming"
One of the factors of global warming is deforestation and pollution caused by large factories that excessively extract natural resources, impacting our biological diversity. Metaphorically, this model is represented as a large toaster that devastates its environment, extracts it and inserts it as a consumer item, in which nature is seen as a product, and in which we as consumers are part of this cycle.
A thermometer that burns its environment as it rises and in the process reveals new species that are inevitably exposed to extinction, and in turn allegories global warming and climate change, seen from the metaphor of an ice popsicle.
Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, jungles are drying up, and fauna and flora are struggling to keep up. It is becoming increasingly clear that humans have caused most of the warming to power modern life.
From the creation of man on the earth until now, there has been a strong interaction between man and nature. With the advancement of technology and industry, this balance has been disrupted and nature, which also belongs to plants and animals, has been abused by human beings. And he considers this right for himself to encroach on the animals.
Today, due to the significant progression of industry, we are facing many environmental problems including; not arable land grabbing and deforestation, excessive hunting and trade of animals, global warming, etc. If it continues, there will be no nature or life. The earth must be shared equally between us and them. Be kind, earth is for all.
"I Don't Want To Live in the Museum"
People satisfy their selfish desires by killing wild animals. They use pangolin's armor, rhinoceros' horn and deer's horn as medicinal materials, and Chinese alligator's skin as leather shoes and handbags. These are just a few representatives of a large number of animals that have been hunted and killed by human beings. If they are ignored, they will eventually live in human museums. Our children will know and learn about them in the museum.
The Chinese Folk Clay Sculpture "mud dog" is an element. All kinds of creatures share a body, reflecting that the earth's creatures are not only individuals, but also closely connected and indivisible. It reminds us to be kind to all kinds of creatures around us and protect ourselves at the same time.
Destroy the essential to create the superfluous
How do we get to this point? The glaciers are melting and the big transnational companies are already rubbing their hands to be able to extract gas or oil from those areas; hundreds of hectares of forest and jungle are devastated to privilege the big agro-industrial monopolies; aquifers are overexploited to be able to bottle soft drinks and water; rivers and oceans are polluted by industrial waste; all this destruction to create great monetary wealth, to favor large transnational companies. The dollar, money above life. The Pachamama is dying to be transformed into money: the capitalist market is the supreme being.
There is nothing "natural" about clothing made from animal skins and furs, in fact animal rights are being ignored. In addition to causing the suffering and death of millions of animals each year, these products generate a lot of revenue for luxury brands. Injury and killing of animals is a serious threat to endangered species. I tried to describe this brutal way that human beings are responsible for.
"Plastic is not fantastik"
This is one poster from a series of eco graphic posters related to the theme of ubiquitous plastic in our lives, already showing the biological anomaly of the flora and fauna of our planet.
I created the graphics under the great influence of Beata Wronska & The Young Orchestra of Nowy Teatr where the pro-ecological song "Plastic" sings:
"There's plastic floating everywhere! Plates cups and straws, bags like scarves suffocate my sea compatriots ehu ehu ehu"
Besides art and music, I have always had an interest in history and ancient objects. The emotions generated by seeing and touching objects that at some point were part of us and marked a change in the lives of our ancestors. When I started working on my poster I decided that I wanted to capture some of this.
In ancient encyclopedias we can find sheets with botanical illustrations or animal species that were made by hand, a technique that I personally find fascinating, and the specific reason for this is that nature in its purest form and its reproduction on paper manifests itself in a detailed and realistic way, the study and curiosity about the green world, both plant and animal, and all that this entails from our origins, so that would be the most plausible explanation for my poster.
Finally, this was something that motivated and inspired me to leave a hidden message within the elements that I projected, in which through my illustrations, nostalgia for the past is expressed with the message of help in the face of species that are gradually disappearing today and that are essential for the balance of our existence.
This work chose to focus on the theme of bees. The work wants to express the desire of people and bees to live in harmony, and to care for and protect bees. The hugging posture in the picture is isomorphism with the abundant nest to express the theme of protecting and protecting bees. At the same time, the warm embrace in the picture is contrasted with the stingy image of bees.
The living things on the earth are a big family, because of the human desire to produce a great destruction of nature, living things in large numbers from the earth disappeared. The poster calls people's attention to biodiversity by making some changes to natural organisms and producing thought-provoking graphics.
"Not your skin"
Despite the efforts of environmental organizations and governments, poaching of big cats in South and Central America has increased in recent years. This poster attempts to denounce this cruel and illegal practice.
"Butterfly trap"
This poster deals with ecological extremism ... It depicts our extremist way of devastating wildlife and the environment.
The selected poster was created and inspired by my strong need to point out the importance of preserving bees. Without bees pollinating many species of trees, forests would not be able to develop and thrive, and would eventually disappear. Bees are the best indicator of a safe environment for humans because they can only live in a healthy and clean environment. Because there is no life without bees, the message of the poster is LET IT BEE.
Paper, even in this digital era, it’s rare that a day goes by without us interacting with a product made from wood pulp: from our newspapers to our toilet tissue. Paper is still everywhere and most of them are ending up in our landfills, creating a staggering amount of paper waste. Now it fills our planet. As a result, deforestation is done to satisfy our heavy consumption of paper goods. Can you imagine how many hectares of forest destruction per year are needed to fulfill our obsession with paper?
Many studies have revealed it. This is no secret! And finally, deforestation is one of the main environmental problems and threatens our biodiversity we’re facing in these times. Let us share with you these interesting paper waste facts through poster. We're so used to looking at paper and overusing it that we seldom think about how it's made and what happens after we throw it away. We recommend using paper wisely!
Biodiversity is everywhere for me. When I see beauty surrounding me, it’s a kind of trance and meditation, and even when I close my eyes I can see those sparkling lights of life which fulfill all living organisms. Everything is connected in our world, and it doesn’t matter where you are living. We are all so different but can stay connected by beauty in us and around us.
"Politics of Cities- aftermath for the 'others'"
Amidst the noisy streets and contested spaces, the lousy corners, high-rises, jam-packed roads with continuous honking, and the inevitable desire for ‘growth’, ‘urbanization’ and ‘development’ where does biodiversity stand?
It is shrinking mutability and considered insignificant. The ecosystem is no longer a neutral setting, it is a never-ending race that requires not just survival of the fittest but rather of the most powerful and dominant. The sorrows of tomorrow delay today’s lived-reality and who is to say what’s the urgency and whose burden who will carry? The intrinsic value of the heterogeneity that co-exists with the human race needs to be addressed desperately. Otherwise, the mutual cohabitation would turn into a homogeneous non-functioning vicious cycle of urban pressures and the inadequacy of the environment to absorb them.
The poster as a whole uses positive and negative shapes as a creative inspiration to connect rhinos with girls. The girl's mouth was kissed on the rhino horn, and the red lips were like a heart to pacify the injured rhino horn. The poster is aesthetic as a whole and is intended to express the public welfare theme of harmonious coexistence between man and nature and the protection of wild animals. The picture is simple but powerful.
Assimilating what is essential, observing nature and its life cycles -end and rebirth-, and understanding regeneration as part of evolution, intrinsically entails rethinking in a necessary and obligatory way a sustainable coexistence with the natural, within an organic process of growth, manifested in the most elementary forms of survival.
We breathe and feel not only through our bodily organs, but through nature as a whole.
"The Balance"
The animal in my poster is a Malayan tapir (Tenuk Malaysia). It is considered an endangered animal and is the largest of the existing tapirs, as well as the only remaining species of tapir in the Old World. One of the main reasons for this is due to humans dominating their land and being hunted. The Malayan tapir has a distinctive black and white coloration that best reflects balance.
The different parts in my poster reflect that human beings must find a balance between social development and nature. In this time of rapid development, we must also face up to the harm that human beings are causing to nature through development. We should work together to protect and appreciate nature. Development is important for human beings but so is nature. Mankind and nature should coexist in harmony.
A small match burned down the entire forest and the lives of countless animals. The poster appeals to everyone to do a good job in fire prevention. I hope everyone will support the protection of forests and animals. Don't let regretful things like forest fires happen again and again. Nature is so beautiful and we should protect it.
"No poaching"
This poster brings up the topic of poaching. Poaching today is an environmental problem associated with the preservation of natural resources. The devastating influence of poaching is expressed mainly in the defaunation of forests: predators, herbivores and fruit-eating vertebrates cannot recover as quickly as their population decreases, the number of animals in the wild decreases and faces possible extinction.
In this poster, the main semantic element is the shadow falling from the hands of the person. The Shadow is portrayed as something ephemeral, disappearing, impermanent, it is a metaphor, an allegory for disappearing species. The idea of a shadow falling from the hands of a person is an imprint of the pernicious, anthropogenic impact of human hands on nature, because people consider an animal as a trophy, as something artificial, as a luxury item or just a decoration item (a picture frame is a symbol of home and interior decoration).